

The Ant And The Cricket Story in English

The best cover ant

The story: There lived a foolish young cricket in a certain garden. He spent the summer in merry-making. He ate whatever he got and did not lay by anything for the winter. At last, when it was very cold, the ground was all covered over with snow. Grass was out of sight and he could not find anything to eat. He was about to die of hunger. He went to an ant to beg for food, promising to return it with thanks in summer. “My store of food,” said the ant “is hardly sufficient for me. So I am very sorry to say that I cannot lend you anything. But what have you been doing in the summer season?” “it was so pleasant,” replied the cricket, “that I was dancing all the while,” “well, then,” said the ant, “ beggars like you easily dance the winter away.”

            Moral: lay by something for the rainy day.(OR) No pains, no gains.
me and not at all the poor little monkey. 

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