

The Village Shopkeeper essay in English .43

The best cover The village shopkeeper

The village shopkeeper is a well-known figure. He keeps a stock of almost all the necessities of life. He sells wheat, wheat flour, grams, rice, pulses, ghee, soap, sugar, milk, cloth, shoes, tobacco, cigarettes, eggs, fruit, vegetables, books, stationery, kerosene oil, candles, crockery, glassware and what not. He also sells a few medicines, and recommends their use to the villagers in very common diseases. He prepares many sweets, and the villagers like them very much. They are often covered with dust and flies, but nobody cares, in the village, about these enemies of human life. He sells many things on credit every day. But he is sure to receive payment, sooner or later, from his customers, in cash or kind. He is very fair in his dealings, and the villagers have great regard for him. He earns a lot and leads a very happy life.

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