

The village barber essay in English. 51

The best cover the village barber

The barber is a very useful member of society. He earns his living by shaving people or cutting their hair. He goes from house to house and village to village, serving the farmers and others in many different ways. He takes their messages, and buys and sells many things for them. He also helps them select satiable matches for their sons and daughters. He is of great service to them at the time of a birth or a funeral. But he is not paid anything from day to day or month to month. He gets his share of wheat, rice, grams and cotton, when the farmers reap the harvest. This is enough for his yearly requirements. He gets about twenty rupees at the time of a marriage. He does not lead a happy life. He is ill-fed and ill-dressed. His future is seldom bright. But he is content with his lot.

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