

The Donkey Essay In English

The best Donkey cover

The donkey is a poor man’s pet. It is used by him in the same way, as the horse is used by the rich. But it is neither well-fed nor well-looked after. It is beaten very badly, if it is too tired to work. It can easily climb up the hills. It is of different sizes. It eats grass and hay thrown about in the streets or on the dung-hills. It is found in several countries of the world. It has four legs, a large body, two pointed ears and a long tail. Its hoofs are very hard, but it is just as big as a goat. It is very strong for its size. It is a wonderful beast of burden. It carries heavy loads from one place to another. It is of great use to washer men, kiln-owners, potters and corn-dealers. It is also used for riding, by well-to-do people, in many parts of the world.  

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