

The Fox And The Crow cover Story in English

The best cover fox

The Story: A crow was once flying with a piece cheese in its bill. It sat on the branch of a tree. A fox happened to pass that way. He caught sight of the crow, and his mouth began to water. He wished to eat the cheese himself. He cried out, “What a lovely bird I see over there! How fine its feathers are! It voice must also be very sweet. I wish that I could hear it sing!”

                        The foolish crow was greatly pleased with its praise. It opened its bill to caw but the moment it did so, the piece of cheese fell down. This was exactly what the cunning fox watned. He picked it up and began to eat it with great delight. He said, before he ran away, “Thank you. Mr Crow, for the piece of cheese you dropped down for me. But your throat is sore. You had better consult some docor.

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