

The Bicycle Essay In English

The bicycle is a useful invention. It is very cheap and light. It has two wheels and is quite easy to ride on. It can go even where a Tonga or a taxi cannot. It is always ready to take us through crowded streets and narrow lanes, wherever we like to go. It is largely used by students, teachers and clerks. It is also used by hawkers, petty businessmen, water-carriers and sweepers. It is rightly called “the poor man’s carriage”. Its maintenance does not cost much. All that is needs is a little bit of oiling once a week. Its body is all made of steel. Its wheels are fitted with rubber tubes and tyres. Its saddle is made of fine leather. It has also a bell, a stand, a carrier and a lamp. The wheels are connected with the pedals, by means of a chain. It has helped many young men to go round the world. 

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