

The Basant Essay In English

THE BASANT is the festival of kites. It is celebrated all over Pakistan. It comes off towards the end of January, when the winter is passing into the spring. Kite-merchants and dealers in string display their merchandise with great pride. They have a roaring business for several days. At last, on the Basant day, the young and the old begin to fly their kites long before sunrise. They hold contests and make a held of noise, whenever a kite is cut off. They fasten thorny branches of trees to long bamboo, sticks “to Loot” the cut off kites or their strings. The confectioners decorate their shops and sell lots of sweets from morning till evening. At some places, balloons, earthen pots and earth toys are sold in large numbers. It is a day of great rejoicing, and it leaves many happy memories behind.

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