

second conditional sentences|Conditional sentences|Causative Verb

second conditional sentences

Conditional sentences Present To Present-1 lesson #5. It is very simple.Must watch and share your friends and relatives.

Second Conditional sentences

شرطیہ جملے
If اگر

1-Present to present
(گا، گی گے)

If he runs fast, he can win the race.

اگروہ تیز بھاگے گا تو وہ ریس جیت سکتا ہے۔

If you come in time, you can complete work 

second conditional sentences

Conditional Sentences present to future -2 lesson  It is very simple.Must watch and share your friends and relatives.

Conditional Sentences


2-Present To Future

تا تی ہے۔ ہوگا، گی، گے

If you teach him English, he will be able to pass English paper.

تم ایسے انگلش پڑھاتے ہو تو، یہ انگلش کے پیپر میں پاسں ہونے کے قابل ہوگا۔

If she entertains them, they will be happy.

second conditional sentences

3- It Clause in Past main clause in future

Past were + past indefinite                              would

                       (2nd Form)

(Action less) 

if I were a doctor, I would serve nation.

اگر میں ڈاکٹر ہوتا تو میں قوم کی خدمت کرتا۔

If she were a bird, she would fly in air.

اگروہ پرندھ ہوتی، وہ ھوا میں ارتی۔

(Action full) 

If they played slowly, they would make good score.

اگر وہ آہستہ کھیلتے تو اچھے اسکوربناتے

second conditional sentences

4-Conditional sentences Past perfect 

Would have, should have, must have, could have
Fixed method, had to ____ would have, should have, must have, could have

If + subject had to +M.V (3rdF) + object, Subject + would have, should have, could have, must have, +M.v (3rd F) +object

If they had to written a letter their father, he would have sent money to them.

اگر وہ اپنے والد کو خط لکھ دیتے تو وہ ان کو پیسے بھیج دیتے۔

If you had to told me, I must have received at the gate.

5- What if اگر ، کیا کروگے

What if it rain?

اگر بارش ہوجاۓ گی تو کیا کروگے۔

What if you become P.M?

اگر تم وزیراعظم ہوگے تو کیا کروگے۔

6- If only صرف ،اگر

If only he were a doctor, He would serve the nation.
If only they were an actor, they would do acting

1.Causative verb

Make= Most strong

Have = More Strong

Get = Strong less

Let /help
مدد / اجازت

1-Somebody method کوئ شخص

2-Something method کوئ چیز

Subject + causative verb (Any form) + somebody+ M.V (1st F) +object

She gets her sister sew clothes.

وہ اپنی بہن سے کپڑے سلواتی ہے۔

Aman mad Ali Polish his shoes.

امان نے اپنے جوتے علی سے پالیش کرواۓ

Causative Verb-2

2- Something method

Subject + Causative Verb +Any form + something + M.V (3rd F) + Extension perdicute

He makes his shoes polished by her brother.

یہ اپنے جوتے اپنے بھائ سے پالیسش کرواتا ہے۔

He had his shirt ironed by washed man.

اس نے اپنی شرٹ دھوبی سے استری کروائ۔

Adverb causative verb lesson  It is very simple.Must watch and share your friends and relatives.

Causative verb -3


I shall help you improve English.


Causative verb + M.V (1st F)

Let me go

مجھے جانے دو

Let me see
Let them sleep

Adverb Grammar class .In this lesson you can learn adverb making . It is very simple. Must watch and share your friends and relatives.


Adding word= It adds something in the meaning of an adjective, a verb or another adverb.

He is a good boy
He is a very good boy

He runs slow
He runs very fast

Formation of adverb
Adj + ly

Adverb Use

Watch learn and share with your friends 

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