

The Winter Essay In English

THE WINTER is the most keenly awaited season of the year. It is welcomed by the rich as well as the poor. It gives pleasant relief from the burning heat of June and August. It lasts from November to February. People put on warm clothes according to their status. Those who cannot, sit beside the fire do drive cold away. Everybody likes to have a cup or two of tea, in the morning and the afternoon. Many people take a dozen or even more cups every day. But too much of everything is bad, and this is also the case with tea. This is the season, when dry fruit is sold like hot cakes. Heaps of almonds and walnuts are sold away in the market every day. But only the rich can afford to buy these things. As for the poor, they have to satisfy themselves with gur and ground-nuts. Eggs become every dear during this season. But they are good for health, and dozens of these are bought by those who enough money in their pockets. The Basant usually brings this season to an end.

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