

A Rainy Day In Summer Essay In English

IT WAS the month of July. The sun was shining very brightly. Everybody was perspiring from head to foot. All of sudden cold wind began to blow. Thick dark clouds appeared in the north, and they spread all over the sky in no time. It flashed and thundered for some time. And, then, it began to rain in heavy torrents. It was a pleasure to see knee-deep water flowing through the streets and the bazaars. Boys ran out of their houses to enjoy a bath. They splashed water at one another and floated paper-boats. They ate mangoes, and threw their stones and skins at one another. At last in stopped raining. Every face beamed with joy. All nature looked very bright and beautiful. The leaves of the trees began to glitter, and the birds began to sing with joy people thanked God for this welcome relief from the scorching heat of the sun. 

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