

SYED AHMAD KHAN Essay In English

SYED AHMAD KHAN was born in Deilhi in 1817. He came of a very noble family. His ancestors held high posts under the Moghal emperors. He showed signs of greatness from his early-childhood. He was yet a boy, when he learnt Arabic and Persian. He was yet a boy, when he was quite young. He was brought up by his mother with great love and attention. He got into the service of the East India Company as a sarishtadar. But he rose to the post of judge very soon. He rendered very useful services to the English, during the critical days of the mutiny of 1957. In recognition of his services, he was made a knight and was granted a pension of Rs 200.00 per month. He felt backwardness of the Muslims in western education. So he founded the M.A.O. College at Aligarh which developed into a university very soon. He was a great social reformer and a great historian of his time. He wrote many books and dedicated his life to the service of the Muslim. He died at the age of 81. He was a great benefactor of his nation. May his soul rest in peace! Amen. 

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