(Alaih-is-Salam) was born in Egypt in the reign of a pharaoh. He was very
handsome. But his birth filled his parents with fear, because the king had
ordered every Israelite child to be put to death. They concealed him for a few
days. And when they could not, they placed him in a wooden box and dropped it
into the Nile. It flowed by the royal place. The queen saw it, and she ordered
it to be brought to her. She opened it and was delighted to see the handsome
child. She obtained the king’s permission to bring him up as her own son,
because she had none. When he grew up into a young man, he killed a cruel
Egyptian and ran away for fear of being killed in return. On his way to an
unknown place, he married a daughter of Hazrat ‘ Shuaib Alaih-is-Salam. He had
the honour to have a talk with Allah on Mount Sinai. He is, therefore, called
Kaleem Ullah. God made him a prophet, and he returned to Egypt to preach the
religion of God. Pharaoh and his followers saw his miracles and heard his
sermons. But they refused to acknowledge him as a prophet. He had to leave
Egypt with the rest of his race. They were pursued by pharaoh and his force.
Hazrat Moosa and his companions crossed the Nile, because of His kindness; but
pharaoh and his men were all drowned.