

Identity theft|A THEFT ESSAY|Paper

Identity theft

Identity theft

It was a dark summer night. We were all fast asleep on the roof of our house. A chief broke into it. Our dog Radica organ barks out the silenced it by throwing a large piece of meat towards it. Identity theft

Then he was free to do, whatever he liked. He searched all the rooms and packed up all the valuables that the rooms and packed up all the valuables that he could find. In the meantime, Radcliffe had eating the piece of meat.


 It save the thief leaves the house with a big bundle on his head. It did not bark. But it followed him to the field where he buried the stolen property. Then it returned home and began to bark beside his master’s bed. He got up and it pulled at his shirt.

 Before long he understood everything. He awakened the servants and rebuked them for their carelessness. But the dog went on barking and pulling his shirt. He felt that it wanted to take him somewhere. 

He came to the door and followed it to a cluster of trees beside a field. Then it began to scratch at the earth. An idea flashed upon his mind. He asked his servant to dig up the place with his spade.Paper 

 After a few minutes the lost property was all uncovered. He was filled with endless joy, and he returned home with it. Everybody admired the dog for its faithfulness. Paper 

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